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Pacific Conservatory for the Performing Arts

Santa Maria, CA

Peter Pan  by J.M. Barrie (Comden, Green, and Leigh) (2010)


Director: Patricia M. Troxel

Scene Designer: DeAnne Kennedy

Technical Director: Tim Hogan


Pirate staircase scale model.

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Base plotted out on paper based on TD measurements. Pieces cut custom for each angle.

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Plywood landings added to each stair.

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Railings were created by bending rebar with Oxy-Actylene to match the shapes of the scale model.

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Upright steel boxtube stairs welded through using jacks and prior stairs to keep everything plumb.

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Whole frame covered in MDF, routed to be smooth, and patched with joint compound for the paint finish.

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Railings then given wire mesh to build them out and filled with Great Stuff foam, then carved to shape.

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Show photo of finished staircase after being painted by the Paint Shop.

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